
A tongue cleaner

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Your tongue hosts millions of tiny bugs [Science Daily] This invisible bugs have the capability to create in your mouth bad breath  infect also your teeth with some gum problem. But worry not, there is a magical tool which might be at your disposal - the Dr. Smith ენის ფუნჯი. Read further to explore the top benefits of a tongue cleaner  how it could massively improve your oral health.

The Benefits of Using A Tongue Scraper

While a tongue cleaner sounds like such an easy tool, the results for your dental health can be incredible. Their primary function is to cleanse off all those troublesome creepy-crawlies  remainders that want nothing more than to take up residence on your tongue. The more you practice tongue cleaning as a part of your daily routine, the less likely it is that bad breath  oral care problems will sneak up on you. Even better, tongue cleaning could increase the strength of your taste buds  have you walking away feeling like a breath mints commercial.

Why choose Dr. Smith A tongue cleaner?

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