The Ultimate Dental Pick and Brush – Clean Your Teeth Like A Pro
Do you want to clean teeth like a dental pro? Say goodbye to bacteria and plaque build-up with this truly ultimate dental pick and brush. Dr. Smith product combines a dentalis robora et penicillo in one, making them one-stop-shop for your oral hygiene needs. Read on to last and discover more about those revolutionary product.
The dental pick and brush from Dr. Smith have several advantages over than traditional toothbrushes. Firstly, soft picks actually allows precise cleaning in hard-to-reach areas, such as between teeth around braces and implants. Secondly, it also gentle on gums, reducing risk of bleeding and sensitivity. Thirdly, it really can remove stubborn stains caused by coffee, tea, and wine. Additionally, those more hygienic as its compact size makes it easy to carry and use anywhere.
Our dental pick and brush have been re-engineered to incorporate a dual-action mechanism that massages gums while cleaning the teeth. The Dr. Smith colligunt mollis is truly made of soft rubber and is actually flexible to avoid damaging gum line. The brush bristles are made through high-quality material to improve durability and effectiveness.
Our dental pick and brush have been truly rigorously tested and approved by dental professionals. We use safe and non-toxic materials that do not cause harm on mouth. Additionally, Dr. Smith DENTISCALPIUM dentalis RIVUS have been included protective caps for both ends just keep the pick and brush clean as well as ready to use it.
Using the dental pick and brush of Dr. Smith is really easy as simple and uncomplicated. First, remove cap from the pick end and use it just remove any food debris stuck between teeth. Next, remove cap from the brush end and brush your teeth using a circular motion. For best results, decutiat interdental with light to medium pressure and also avoid scrubbing vigorously.
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